

antimony sulfide:Ag3SbS3
Colordark red to red-black
Crystal habitInclude prismatic crystals with rhombohedral and scalenohedral faces forming terminations. There is no perpendicular mirror plane and therefore a hemimorphic crystal can be seen, in some rare examples, with differing terminations at the top and bottom of the crystal. Typical crystals are poorly formed and modified heavily by secondary faces. Also found massive.
trigonal; 3m
CleavageSometimes distinct in three directions forming rhombohedrons
Mohs Scale hardness2.5
Refractive indextranslucent to nearly opaque
Streakdark cherry red
Specific gravityapproximately 5.8
Other Characteristicsdarkens upon exposure to light; crystals are frequently striated

Pyrargyrite is a silver sulfantimonide, Ag3SbS3. Known also as dark red silver ore or ruby silver, it is an important source of the metal.

It is closely allied to, and isomorphous with, the corresponding sulfarsenide known as Georg Agricola in 1546, but the two species so closely resemble one another that they were not completely distinguished until chemical analyses of both were made.

Both crystallize in the ditrigonal pyramidal (hemimorphic-hemihedral) class of the Twinning according to several laws is not uncommon. The hexagonal prisms of pyrargyrite are usually terminated by a low hexagonal pyramid or by a drusy basal plane.

The color of pyrargyrite is usually greyish-black and the lustre metallic-adamantine; large crystals are opaque, but small ones and thin splinters are deep ruby-red by transmitted light, hence the name, from the Greek pyr and argyros, "fire-silver" in allusion to color and silver content, given by E. F. Glocker in 1831. The streak is purplish-red, thus differing markedly from the scarlet streak of proustite and affording a ready means of distinguishing the two minerals. The arsenic, &c. The best crystallized specimens are from St Andreasberg in the Harz, Freiberg in Saxony, and Guanajuato in Mexico. It is not uncommon in many silver mines in the United States, but rarely as distinct crystals; and it has been found in some Cornish mines.

Although the red silver ores afford a good example of isomorphism, they rarely form mixtures; pyrargyrite rarely contains as much as 3% of arsenic replacing monoclinic species pyrostilpnite or fireblende (Ag3SbS3) and xanthoconite (Ag3AsS3): these four minerals thus form an isodimorphous group.


  • Mindat
  • Webmineral data
  • Amethyst Galleries' Mineral Gallery

This article incorporates text from the Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition, a publication now in the public domain.  

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