

A emerald cut pyrope crystal.
Chemical formulaMg3Al2(SiO4)3
ColorRed. Some varieties are very dark, almost black, while others can take tones of purple. Some thermochromic, becoming green when heated[1]
Euhedra typically display rhombic dodecahedral form, but trapezohedra are not uncommon, and hexoctahedra are seen in some rare samples. Massive and granular forms also occur.
Mohs Scale hardness7 - 7.5
Lustergreasy to vitreous [2]
Polish lustervitreous[2]
Refractive index1.74 normal, but ranges from 1.714 to over 1.742 [2]
Optical PropertiesSingle refractive, often anomalous double refractive [2]
BirefringenceIsotropic, appears black in cross-polarized light
Ultraviolet fluorescenceinert
chromium lines in the red end of the spectrum
Specific gravity3.78 (+.09 -.16) [2]
Mineral associationdiamond

The mineral pyrope is a member of the Gemological Institute of America.[2] Misnomers include Colorado ruby, Arizona ruby, California ruby, Rocky Mountain ruby, Elie Ruby, Bohemian carbuncle, and Cape ruby.  

The composition of pure pyrope is Mg3Al2(SiO4)3, although typically other elements are present in at least minor proportions -- these other elements include pyralspite garnets (pyrope, almandine, spessartine). Iron and manganese substitute for the magnesium in the pyrope structure. The resultant, mixed composition garnets are defined according to their pyrope-almandine ratio. The semi-precious stone rhodolite is a garnet of ~70% pyrope composition.

The origin of most pyrope is in sapphirine.

Pyrope is common in diamond-bearing. Pyrope found in association with diamond commonly has a Cr2O3 content of 3-8%, which imparts a distinctive violet to deep purple colouration (often with a greenish tinge) and because of this is often used as a kimberlite indicator mineral in areas where erosive activity makes pin pointing the origin of the pipe difficult. These varieties are known as chrome-pyrope, or G9/G10 garnets.

Mineral identification

  In hand specimen, pyrope is very tricky to distinguish from almandine, however it is likely to display fewer flaws and inclusions. Other distinguishing criteria are listed in the table to the right. Care should be taken when using these properties as many of those listed have been determined from synthetically grown, pure-composition pyrope. Others, such as pyrope's high specific gravity, may be of little use when studying a small crystal embedded in a matrix of other silicate minerals. In these cases, mineral association with other ultramafic minerals may be the best indication that the garnet you are studying is pyrope.

In thin section, the most distinguishing features of pyrope are those shared with the other common garnets: high relief and isotropy. Garnets tend to be less strongly coloured than other silicate minerals in thin section, although pyrope may show a pale pinkish-purple hue in plane-polarized light. The lack of cleavage, commonly euhedral crystal morphology, and mineral associations should also be used in identification of pyrope under the microscope.


  1. ^ Thermochromic Cr-rich Pyrope Garnets
  2. ^ a b c d e f (Gia), Gemological. Gem Reference Guide. City: Gemological Institute of America (GIA), 1988. ISBN 0-87311-019-6
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